― リチャード・バーンスタイン、ロス・マンロー
The beijing authorities view anti-Japanese sentiment as something to orchestrate primarily for its own international purposes to strengthen war guilt among Japanese and opposition to Japanese rearmament among the nations of the world. Meanwhile, China's Communist Party shows no concern with any moral accounting for the atrocities that it perpetrated against its own people during the long years of mass imprisonment, labor camp, the politically induced famine of the early 1960's, or, for that matter, the massacre of pro-democracy protesters at Tiananmen.
-- Richard Bernstein and Ross H. Munro,
The coming conflict with China
― ラダビノット・パル
When time shall have softened passion and prejudice, when Reason shall have stripped the mask from misrepresentation, then justice, holding evenly her scales, will require much of past censure and praise to change places.
-- Radhabinod Pal,
Dissentient Judgement of Justice Pal
Today, the so-called 'Nanking Massacre' is said to be another holocaust, which can be comparable to the slaughters committed by the Nazi Germany against the Jewish People. Sue to the fact that Japan made a military alliance with Germany, Japan is often misunderstood as if Japan had pursued similar national policy. However, it was not that simple. This is the same mistake as regarding the Soviet Union as the same democratic nation as the U.S. or the U.K. only because she was in the same military alliance, which had gone to war against Germany.
As we have stated earlier, the 'Nanking Massacre' in which the Prosecution claims the 'massacre of 300,000', has never been so proved. However, any other unjustifiable killings by Japanese troops are regarded as punishable war crimes during the combats against the Chinese Army, and these should be processed under the international humanitarian law. On the other hand, in case of Germany, they were not fighting the war against the Jewish people. The large-scale slaughters targeting all the Jewish people, including the killings of Jewish people who had German citizenship, committed by the Nazi Germany were systematically planned killings based on the specific ethnic ideology which had no direct connection with the war. Those killings were, indeed, the 'crimes against humanity', and those crimes are fundamentally different from the 'war crimes' which the Japanese troops were said to have committed.
「国際軍事裁判」(ニュールンベルグ裁判) で裁かれたナチス・ドイツ戦犯の多くは「人道に対する罪」によっても有罪とされたが、「東京裁判」において〈南京大虐殺〉の責任を追及された広田弘毅元外相、松井石根元南京攻略軍司令官といえども「通例の戦争犯罪」で有罪とされたのであって、決して「人道に対する罪」で重刑に処せられたのではない。【南京大虐殺】がユダヤ人大量虐殺と同列視されるホロコーストではないことは、この二つの裁判の判決の相違からでも明白である。
Many of the war criminals of the Nazi Germany processed at 'the International War Criminal Court (the Nuremberg Trial) were found guilty of the 'crime against humanity'. However, in the IMTFE even both HIROTA Koki, the former Foreign Minister and MATSUI who were prosecuted for their responsibility for the 'Nanking Massacre', were found guilty under the 'conventional war crimes'. They were not sentenced the severe punishment due to the 'crimes against humanity'. This clearly proves that the 'Nanking Massacre' could not be put in the same category with the holocaust committed against the Jewish people by the Nazi Germany as we see these different court processes.
そればかりではない。南京戦当時の日本はドイツと防共協定を結んで友好関係にあったが、ドイツのユダヤ人迫害政策については、断固として拒否していたという重大な事実があることを知らねばならない。南京戦からほぼ一年たった昭和十三年 (一九三八年) 十二月、日本政府は「多年主張シ来レル人種平等ノ精神」に基づいて「猶太人ニ対シテハ他国人ト同様公正ニ取扱ヒ之ヲ特別二排斥スルカ如キ処置二出ツルコトナシ」との方針を決定した。
Not only so, we must say that there existed the crucial fact that the then Japanese government sternly refused the persecution policy against the Jewish people which the Nazi Germany was implementing, even though Japan had amicable relations with Germany by means of concluding the Anti-Comintern Pact during that time when the battle of Nanking occurred. In December 1938, almost one year after the battle of Nanking, the Japanese Government decided the policy that 'based on the spirit of racial equality which we have insisted on for many years, we will treat the Jewish people with fairness, in the same manner as we treat other foreigners and we will not take special measures to reject them'. 85)
この決定があったからこそ、あの "和製シンドラー" 杉原千畝の精力的な活動も可能になり、多くのユダヤ人が救われたのである。日本人が極端な人種差別から生み出されたナチス・ドイツのホロコーストとは縁遠い存在であることはこの史実からも窺われよう。
For that very reason, the 'Japanese Oskar Schindler' SUGIHARA Chiune(Sempo)'s energetic activity was possible, and many Jewish people were rescued. This historical fact proves that the Japanese people were far away from such racism as seen in the holocaust produced by the racial extremist Nazi Germany.
Who can imagine that the Japanese people is a nation who will do anything like systematically planned atrocities called 'holocaust'? Any westerners who know even a little bit about the Japanese culture may testify. Alfred Smoular, who received many awards from the French President De Gaulle, as a resistance fighter, was one of them. He survived tortures at the concentration camps in Auschwitz and Bofenvalt. This great French hero states the followings in his memoir Auschwitz 186416 dies in Japan (Tokyo:Fuso-sha, 1995):
World War II including the movement of resistance was the fight against Fascism. I can not keep myself silent for such absurd statements which to say we should regard Japan as same as Hitler's Germany. Those absurd statements are nothing but someone's ideological propaganda.
We are sure the American people understand our humane heritage over 2,000 years. We, as Japanese, take pride in the same humane history. We can no longer suffer from such an unreasonable disgrace to our nation brought about by unfounded absurd accusations.
On the other hand, any other inhumane criminal acts comparable to the crimes committed by Nazi Germany might be a lot of racially oriented abuses and large-scale slaughters committed in the name of Communism since the Russian Revolution, elsewhere in the world. With the end of Cold War as a trigger, re-examination of Communism, which brought about curse and disaster to mankind and society in large in the 20th century, is now being made. According to Karel Bartosek's The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression (Harvard University Press, 1999), the victims of the crimes committed by the Communism can be estimated no less than 100,000,000. As for the Soviet Union, which was the mainstream of worldwide Communism, it is said that 20,000,000 people had been killed, and after all, its Communistic regime collapsed in 1991. However, Communism in China, where it is estimated that a far larger number of 65,000,000 people had been victimized, is still existing under the dictatorial political system, and still persecuting minorities and committing human right violations ceaselessly.
とりわけ、一九五五年の不当な併合以来、人口のほぼ二割に相当する一二〇万人以上の人民が虐殺され、現在も民族虐待や文化破壊が続けられているチベットの悲惨な状況は、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴヴィナやコソボ以上に残酷な "民族浄化" として知られ、米国人の間でも強い関心を持たれていることは、「セブン・イヤーズ・イン・チベット」や「クンドゥン」などの映画のヒットによっても明らかである。これを「人道に対する罪」たるホロコーストと言わずして何であろうか。その中国がチベット問題は内政問題であるとして外国からの抗議を撥ねつける一方、その存在すら極めて不確かな六十余年前の〈南京大虐殺〉を声高に避難し続けているのだから、身勝手と言えば身勝手、滑稽と言えばこれほど滑稽な光景はあるまい。
Especially in Tibet, more then 1,200,000 people, corresponding to roughly 20% of the total population, were massacred since being unfairly annexed to Communist China in 1955. And even today, the people there are still abused, and their cultures are being destroyed. The miserable conditions of 'Ethnic Cleansing' in Tibet are known as crueler than ones in Bosnia and Herzegovina or Kosovo. And, it becomes an increasing concern to John Q. Public, because it is introduced to them through hit movies, Seven Years in Tibet (Director: jean-Jaques Annaud, 1997) and Kundun (Director: Martin Scorsese, 1997). If we can not call this crime against humanity as 'holocaust', what else can we call 'holocaust'? The very Communist China declared that the problem of Tibet is a problem relating to domestic affairs and refused the interference of the foreign nations. On the other hand, the CCP is loudly denouncing the 'Nanking Massacre' which had been insisted on its happening more than sixty years ago, but not even clearly defined. It is indeed their ridiculous self-righteous gestures.
The extreme example of China's ridiculous gestures in that the CCP is strongly supporting the production of the movie, titled Rabe's Diary. 86 Of course, this is a campaign movie for the purpose of denouncing the 'massacre of 300,000'. In other words, this movie is the indeed the false movie with double fabrications.
The CCP frequently persists in requesting Japan to show an attitude of the 'remorse and apology' for the behaviour that Japan took to China in past, citing the 'Nanking Massacre' as an example. As for its intention, there is no doubt that the CCP aims at withdrawal of the 'compensation and financial assistance' and the 'concession' from Japan as analyzed by the Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service. 87 At the same time, in order for the CCP to establish the hegemony in the post Cold War East Asia, the CCP has to drive a wedge into the Japan-U.S. alliance, which is an obstacle on the road to its hegemony. Therefore it may say that as one of measures to accomplish this, the CCP intends to have ex-Allied Nations recall the 'evil act of ex-enemy Japan' stressing old ties of Allies Nations.
It is obviously telling of the China's intention that on the background of the sales campaign of The Rape of Nanking, we can catch a glimpse of the shadow of the CCP through the activities of Chinese-Americans and overseas Chinese merchant organizations in the U.S.
From the years of 1930 through 1940, the national interests of Japan and U.S. became severely opposite, and caused a very unfortunate war. On this background, it is true that China and the Comintern concentrated its effort to carry out the skillful propaganda maneuver, which aimed at splitting Japan and U.S. 88 We must not allow this to appear again.
We would like to emphasize that our assertion that 'Nanking Massacre' was a propaganda by the CCP, isn't only for us to remove the stigma that has been attached to Japan due to the unfounded 'false accusation', but also to take into consideration formation of a mature friendly relationship between Japan and U.S., looking toward the 21st Century, and reinforcement of our relationship.
大原 康男
Professor of Kokugakuin University
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