The Alleged 'Nanking Massacre'
Japan's rebuttal to China's forged claims
第三章 |
Chapter III | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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As the above stated cross-examinations make clear, these assertions of the Prosecution like what the CCP claims as the 'murders of 300,000', or what the westerners claim as the 'murders of 40,000' are not based on the evidences or materials which are credible or having profound proofs. And, we must say that both claims have extremely weak evidences.
Contrary to their claims, there are some clearly opposite historical documents against the existence of such large-scale murders. For example, one is the photographic and documentary films. Also, there are some opposite data against the existence of such large-scale murders even within the documents, which they have presented as the evidence. Furthermore, some of the actions, which the then KMT has taken, are difficult to comprehend if there have been such large-scale murders.
It might have been difficult to describe what had occurred after the seizure of Nanking. However, we would like to present the following existing rational historical documents, which are totally contradictory to their claims.
| 一、南京の秩序回復を物語る写真・映像・証言
| 1. Photos, movies and witnesses testifying that Nanking was restoring the peace and order
Photos of Nanking, taken by Japanese correspondents
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This photo has been taken by SATO Shinju. It shows an aspect of the walled city of December 15, two days after the fall of Nanking. Surprisingly, at the Safety Zone located in the west side of Chungshan North Road, street stalls such as boiled Chinese dumpling sellers have still more been opening. A Japanese soldier has been the first customer. It is apparent that the Japanese occupation has recovered the public order.
SATO Shinju, correspondent of the Tokyo NichiNichi has taken the photos on December 15 and l6, 1937, at the Safety Zone within the walled city where Chinese inhabitants were opening the street stalls. Among these photos, there is one showing a Food stall held by a Chinese refugee where a Japanese soldier was eating as the inhabitants, including women and children watching him.70 Also, there are other photos showing many stall vendors selling vegetables and used clothes. Also the Asahi Shinbun shows a series of photos taken almost in the same time. Among them there is a photo which was taken by Asahi correspondent KAWAMURA on the l7th, showing unarmed Japanese soldiers taking a walk on the street, and another photo shows a barber stall operating.
Also, a film called Nanking, produced by TOHO Film Production, shows a crowd of inhabitants coming to get ID cards at the card issuing office opened in the Safety Zone by the Japanese Army. This has been conducted during the period of December 24, 1937, through January 5, 1938, in order to identify the citizens, separating them from the soldiers. We can observe that the Chinese people shown in the pictures aren't in fear of the Japanese soldiers at all.
According to the claims of the CCP, this period (December 15-17, 1937) when these photos were taken is the one when the large-scale massacre was taking place (December 12-18). Also, the period when the film Nanking was produced is the one when the CCP claimed that the murders and the large-scale rapes and looting were committed.
As these photos and films represent, the peace and public order of Nanking has been clearly restored. Neither we can observe any fear of Japanese soldiers among the Chinese inhabitants. Of course, they might argue that these are merely the representations of a small part in Nanking, and can not immediately deny the 'Nanking Massacre'. However, who can, rationally, be convinced that the large-scale massacre and incidents of rape and looting could have been committed in the same place where the Chinese inhabitants were living in peace?
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A scene of the 'Nanking Massacre' in the film The Battle of China.
This photo has been kept displayed in the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum with a caption, "Chinese People taken to somewhere before slaughter." Afterwards, the investigation has revealed that it is indefinable whether the photo is genuine one or not, so that it has been removed.
We would like to introduce another film, which represents a contrary view. This film is called The Battle of China. This wartime propaganda film is directed by Frank Capra, American famous director of 1930's, and comes out in l944.71 In the film, there are ten-second scenes of the description of 'Nanking Massacre'. However, these can hardly be the true description, because of the following reasons.
| 二、その人物は腰に弾帯を巻いているが、当時の日本軍が使用していた拳銃は回転式ではないので、弾帯は必要ないし、帯刀している刀は軍刀ではなく、刃のついていない指揮刀である。戦場に指揮刀を持って行くことはありえない。 三、厳寒の南京に半袖の市民の姿が見える。 四、生き埋めにされようとしている婦人の胸の上に「三民主義」と書かれた紙片が載せられているが、こんな発想は日本人にはない。
The whole things are 'forged pictures' and entirely opposite of the TOHO's film Nanking in terms of credibility.
Forged pictures, unidentified sources
Likewise, let us take some similar examples. Among the evidences presented are photo materials. And, none of these photos are dated, and the names of places and photographers are not stated. In other words, there exist none of these photos that are rigidly authentic, and definitely, these photos can not be used as the evidence of 'Nanking Massacre'.
Contrary to the fact, there are many unrelated photos and forged pictures of unknown corpses, to which false statements are attached, as the evidence of Japanese soldiers' brutality. We would like to introduce two examples from among them.
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From The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang. The KMT has used this photo in those days of 1938 as an evidence that 'Japanese soldiers are taking villagers to somewhere by force prior to rape en masse.'
Photo 1 is the picture displayed at the 'Memorial Hall of Victims in Nanjing Massacre'. It is also displayed in the book The Rape of Nanking. The book states "The Japanese rounded up thousands of women. Most of them were gang raped or forced into military prostitution. (Politburo of Military Committee, Taipei)"
However, this photo has nothing to do with the gang-rape nor the military prostitution. This photo has appeared in the Asahi Graph, a weekly photo journal, published in Japan on November 10, 1937, about one month before Nanking battle.
A set of Four pictures have appeared in the journal with the explanation, titled as "Utopia Amidst the Gun-power: The 'Rising Sun' Village South of the Yangtze." The very picture is captioned with "A group of women and children from the Rising Sun Village returning from the fields, guarded by our soldiers." In those days in china, the lootings are often committed by the deserted Chinese soldiers. Therefore, the farmers have needed the protection of Japanese troops to engage in farming safely. Also, this very photo has been taken by Correspondent KUMASAKI in the province of Paoshan in the vicinity of Shanghai, on October 14, 1937.
In short, a scene of peaceful farming village has been secretly switched to the one that is taking villagers to somewhere prior to rape en masse. It is indeed a wicked act of secretly switching the picture.
Iris Chang says that she borrowed this photo from a book published by 'Politburo of Military Committee, Taipei'. The book where it originally appeared is Facts of Atrocity of the Japanese Army, published in 1938 by the 'Politburo of Military Committee, the KMT'. But, in the book, the Politburo of Military Committee has used this photo and already twisted the meaning and added to it the explanation saying 'These women of a farming village of Chiangnan were taken to the Japanese Army headquarters one after another, and were raped and murdered.' In other words, the Politburo of Military committee, the KMT has plagiarized this photo from the weekly photo journal published in Japanese in 1937, and has intentionally turned its caption into the complete opposite of the original.
In November 1997, an illustrated book (with this very photo included in it) that gives the false Chinese perspective of the Rape of Nanking, as it is, has been published in Japan. However, Historian HATA Ikuhiko, has pointed out the facts about the photo were clarified, so this false photo was withdrawn.72
| ![]() [Photo 2] A Cover of A Photo Group Reflecting the Japanese Army's Massacre of Nanjing People. The CCP still uses this photo as a symbol of 'Nanking Massacre'.
また、写真二は南京大屠殺資料編集委員会などが出版している写真集『侵華日軍南京大屠殺暴行照片集』に〈大虐殺〉のシンボルとして掲げられている写真である。この写真集の表紙写真として使われ、さらに三一頁に再度掲げられ、「日本軍は殺害した南京軍民の死体を長江に捨てた」との説明が付けられている。さらに、同じ写真が『ザ・レイプ・オブ・南京』にも掲載されており、「南京市民の死体は、揚子江岸に引さずってこられ、川に投げ捨てられた(モリヤサ ムラセ)」という写真説明が付けられている。
Photo 2 has been used as a symbol of 'Nanking Massacre' in a photo journal, titled A Photo Group Reflecting the Japanese Army's Massacre of Nanjing People published by the Editorial Board of Historical Data of 'Nanjing Massacre'. This photo is used in the cover page, and also appears on the page 31, with an explanation saying "The Japanese Army drag dead bodies of Nanjing citizens and then throw them into the Yangtze River." This same photo is used in The Rape of Nanking, with an explanation saying "Corpses of Nanking citizens were dragged to the bank of the Yangtze and thrown into the river. (Moriyasa Murase)"
This photo has been taken by a Japanese soldier named MURASE Moriyasu (Chang misspelled Moriyasa) who has actually engaged in the battle of Nanking. It is clarified that these corpses are not massacred ones as we have been able to identify the location of the take through the effort of Professors FUJIOKA Nobukatsu and HIGASHINAKANO Shudo, the authors of The studies of the Rape of Nanking (Tokyo : Shouden-sha, 1999).
Precisely explaining the situation, in the early morning of December 13, the Chinese Army (Nanking Garrison) has been withdrawing southward, and encountered the northward advancing Japanese Army in the west side of Nanking Castle (area between the castle and the Yangtze River). Especially, the battles have fought at Xinhezhen in mostly close to the Yangtze River, several thousand Chinese soldiers have met with a Japanese Infantry Company (the 11th Company, the 45th Infantry Regiment) and have exchanged heavy fire. The Chinese Army has been heavily damaged, and a part of the troops has tried to escape through the Yangtze River by the rafts, which were temporarily made of lumber found in the area. The Japanese Army attacks them from the riverbank, and the Chinese side counts many casualties on the Yangtze River. In other words, the corpses in the picture are neither the inhabitants of Nanking nor the illegally killed soldiers, they are the corpses of the Chinese soldiers who died in war. Certainly, the photo represents a dreadful scene of corpses lying by the river, but it can not be the proof of 'Nanking Massacre.'
Japanese correspondents deny the 'Nanking Massacre'
These visual materials really correspond to testimonies of many Japanese. There have been more than 100 Japanese news correspondents besides the troops, who entered Nanking during the six weeks when the Prosecution claims that the 'massacre' occurred. They have testified that they had never witnessed the 'Nanking Massacre' nor heard of such a thing then. Let us hear their testimonies.
YAMAMOTO Osamu, the then correspondent of the Osaka Asahi Shimbun (Shanghai Branch Office) says, "I never witnessed nor heard of such a thing. We used to gather in the evening, but I never heard of such a thing and no one ever mentioned anything like that. The Asahi Shimbun never received any information like that."
Also, MAEDA Yuji, correspondent of the Domei News agency says in his book, Caught in the Current of War as follows:
ジャーナリストたちは、南京陥落後は、南京城内を自由に見て歩くことができた。軍人への取材や報道には規制が加えられていたが、彼らが南京城内やその周辺を歩き見ることに対しては、ほとんど規制はなされていなかった。そのジャーナリストたちのほとんどが、戦後になっても〈大虐殺〉なるものを見たことはないと証言している ─ この事実は、重大である。
After the fall of Nanking, those correspondents have been able to freely walk around the area within the walled city. There have been some restrictions to cover the military activities, but there have been almost none as to reports on what they witnessed inside and in the vicinity of Nanking. It is very important to point out the fact that most correspondents testified that they had not witnessed incidents such as 'massacre'.
False witnesses made by Japanese correspondents
We cannot say that there were absolutely none of Japanese correspondents who witnessed the massacre. Three correspondents, IMAI Seigou, SUZUKI Jiro, and OMATA Yukio say in their memoirs that they witnessed the massacre. However, it is now obvious that their testimonies were no longer credible, after the verification of the contents of their memoirs.
IMAI Seigou, correspondent of the Asahi Shimbun, writes on his article, "Massive Killings in the City of Nanking", Bungei Shunju, published in December 1956 as follows:
IMAI has been a star news reporter, and his signed news reports are published almost daily around the fall in the Asahi Shimbun, so that we can speculate about his activities through his news reports. On the 15th, he has gone to Pukow, located in the opposite side of the Yangtze River, to cover together with his colleagues.
He must have spent almost the daytime in order to cover the news materials by going to the town across the Yangtze River. In addition, he sends his news coverage in the same day. Also, he has attended the conference gathering correspondents and cameramen, which has been held at Asahi's temporary office in the night and he opens his mouth there. In other words, IMAI has not had enough time to go to the bank of the Yangtze River on the 15th and eyewitness the massacre. Is it just a mistake that the date he quoted must have been on the night of either 14th or 16th? However, this also cannot be true, because his acts speculated from his news reports could contradict with his testimony.
IMAI has written the news coverage of the entry ceremony into Nanking on the 16th, which was supposed to be held in the following day. (IMAI sent his news coverage before the commencement of the ceremony. He has left Nanking without actually seeing the ceremony.) Moreover, a large scale ceremony hasn't been held since the Russo-Japanese War and no one has known it, so he must have visited the headquarters of the Japanese Army to get information about the ceremony in that daytime. Eventually, it is next to impossible to say that he had enough time to witness the massacre for the period of the evening of 16th through the morning of 17th.
Also, even if it has been the 14th, the date which he witnessed the massacre will contradict with the record in those days. IMAI writes on his article of the Asahi Shimbun, "Returning from the front" dated on January 27, 1938, that on the 14th he met and talked with an American correspondent A. Steele, of the Chicago Daily News, at Chunghwa Gate, and they walked together toward Nanking University. Assuming that IMAI's witness has been on the 14th, the time when he has been able to meet Steele is limited to on the morning of 14th, so that it will have been impossible for IMAI, to come out of Asahi's temporary office on Chungshan Road, leisurely sightsee the KMT governmental buildings, walk 4 kilometers to Chunghwa Gate, meet with Steele, and further walk 6 kilometers to return to the office which was located in Ta Fang Hsiang within the Safety Zone.
On the other hand, according to the testimony of IMAI, his colleague, NAKAMURA Shogo is said to have also witnessed the massacre together, but on the 14th, NAKAMURA has been meeting with the reporters of the New York Times and the Associate Press at Xinjiekou located in the center within the castle. Then, NAKAMURA covers the news materials about the activities inside the castle so far and sends the story within the same day. Therefore, it is not possible for the both IMAI and NAKAMURA to have gone together to eyewitness the massacre.
In short, it has been absolutely impossible for IMAI to have gone to witness even if there were two incidents might have occurred. There is no other way to say that Massive Killings in the City of Nanking which was written by him after the war, is a fiction.
SUZUKI Jiro, correspondent of the Tokyo NichiNichi writes that he saw a group of prisoners lined up on top of Chungshan Gate, and they were stabbed by the bayonets. ("I saw the tragedy of Nanking", the monthly magazine MARU, November 1971). However, it is physically impossible to see the people on top of the gate from 20 meters below. He, even, says that he saw only 'several people' murdered.73
Furthermore, OMATA Yukio, correspondent of the Yomiuri Shimbun writes after the war that the Japanese troops killed 2,000 Chinese captured soldiers with Japanese swords daily by the bank of the Yangtze River. (Invasion and Pillages published by Tokuma Shoten Publishing, 1982) This portion is quoted in The Rape of Nanking. However, OMATA has not witnessed the murders, because he was in Shanghai during the battle of Nanking. When he went to Nanking is a half-year later, after the fall of Nanking.
Soldiers who denied the massacre at the IMTFE
Let us now see the testimonies made by the Japanese soldiers. At the IMTFE, TSUKAMOTO Hirotsugu, the judge advocate of the shanghai Expeditionary Force, NAKAYAMA Yasuto, the staff of the Central China Area Army (Intelligence), NAKAZAWA Mitsuo, the chief of staff of the 16th Division, IINUMA Mamoru, the chief of staff of the Shanghai Expeditionary Force, SAKAKIBARA Shukei, the staff of the Shanghai Expeditionary Force and so on are present as the witnesses. (Their titles listed are of the time of the battle.)
The following is a summary of their testimonies.
TSUKAMOTO Hirotsugu testifies as follows: